This is the next five of an ever increasing series of 21 books compiled by Ginge Fullen QGM.
15. The Iraq War 1991 - Ozzie Hammond CGM - One of a kind OUT OF STOCK
16. Suez 74 - John Dadd BEM - Diving in War and Peace
17. Divers' Yarns, Dits, and Stitch-ups! : Never let the truth get in the way of a good story OUT OF STOCK
18. The Falklands Conflict (Volume 1) The divers who went to War - "Who are these people and where do we get them from?" OUT OF STOCK
19. The Falklands Conflict (Volume 2) : The Forgotten Teams - Tales from MCDO's, Clearance Divers and Ships Divers - ONE COPY AVAILABLE THAT I HAVE READ, IS A LITTLE USED.
From the sale of each book I am donating £1 to the RNCDA (Royal Navy Clearance Divers Association) and £1 to the Vernon monument.
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